Call the police. If there are other drivers involved, obtain their insurance information and give them yours. Include their name, phone numbers, license plate, vehicle make and mode. Be sure to write down the insurance company name and agent. If your insurance company is paying for the repair, call your agent or claim center to report the accident. Under Ohio Law you have the right to choose your collision shop. The police will complete a police report. If your vehicle needs towed, call Rutherford Auto Body. We have preferred Towing Companies that can tow your vehicle to one of our repair facilities or to any location you prefer. If you can drive your vehicle, you can come in with or without an appointment for an estimate of repair. You may have a little wait without an appointment.
Call Rutherford Auto Body. We will prepare a damage repair estimate at any time during our business hours. You may leave the vehicle with us so that we can evaluate the damages and prepare a thorough estimate. Some insurance companies prefer to write the initial estimate. In that case, we will start with their estimate and identify any additional repair needs that may have been missed. Regardless of who writes the estimate, your vehicle will get the best quality repair.
ONE. Under Ohio law you have the right to choose your repair company. If your insurance company requests more than one estimate, please call us and we will attempt to help you resolve this issue.
Consider the company’s reputation. Check community relationships, quality of work, level of customer service and satisfaction and warranty on their repairs. Rutherford Auto Body has been in the central Ohio community for over 75 years. Our #1 source of new work is by referral. Our staff is involved in ongoing training to provide the highest possible level of repair and customer service. We strive to be an all-OEM facility and price match when available.
Just call us. We can refer you to one of our preferred towing services. This will help to expedite the towing process. If your accident is after hours, call 614-837-0902 and you will be directed to one of our towing services.
The person responsible may be liable for repairs to your vehicle. This means that another insurance company will be paying for your repair and you will be the claimant.
Your insurance company will issue you a claim number. This claim number is all we need. Once your claim has been established by the insurance company and liability has been established, the insurance company will provide you with a claim number. Some insurance companies require the Estimate of Record to be written themselves. All you need to do is bring in your claim number and/or the estimate provided to you by the insurance company and we will handle the rest! Your deductible(If applicable) is owed upon completion of all repairs.
We offer a lifetime warranty on all repairs. Parts, however, are backed by the manufacturer’s warranty. Should you have a problem with our workmanship, we will fix the problem quickly as long as you own the vehicle. Rust and stone chips are not covered in the repair process so they are excluded from the warranty.
Depending on our current workload, we strive to schedule your vehicle within 2-10 business days from the time your paperwork is complete. Currently, due to COVID-19 restrictions and accessibility to parts, we may need to delay and/or reschedule your repairs to a later date. We will keep you aware and up-to-date on all delays throughout the process.
Rutherford Auto Body has a very efficient production system. Your specific vehicle repair time is personalized to your repair needs. We use a formula based on repair hours to determine the amount of time your car will be with us.
Repair costs are based on the severity of damages and the price of parts. Parts prices are determined by the manufacturers and various vendors. We do not set the prices of parts. The other components of pricing are labor and materials. If an insurance company is paying, the only cost to you may be your deductible.
We can assist you with contacting our preferred rental company and you can arrange for a rental representative to be at our shop when you drop off your vehicle for repair. The representative will complete the paperwork and introduce you to your rental car.
We can take care of all these damages for you. In some cases, paintless dent removal may be recommended for dents and dings. Scratches can sometimes by removed directly by our Paint Department. These are efficient ways to save time and money. Stop in for a free estimate during business hours.
Yes! After the repairs to your vehicle are complete, Rutherford Auto Body preps your vehicle for delivery. Several factors decide the extent your vehicle gets cleaned such as, and not limited to; Severity of damage, length your vehicle was here, and type of damage. Every vehicle gets a hand car wash and when it comes to the interior, ultimately, Rutherford Auto Body will clean "our mess".
Click here for directions and maps. You can also get this information on our home page.
Rutherford Auto Body works with you and your insurance company to return your auto to pre-accident condition. Our 75 years of experience gives us valuable contacts in the insurance industry and these long standing working relationships can help streamline the process.
Do not wax any painted panels for 90 days after repairs have been made. You may wash your vehicle after delivery with mild soap and water.
We ask that all insurance checks be presented to us before repairs are started. We will retain the check in our secure safe. Once repairs are completed and you are completely satisfied with the repairs, we will have you endorse the insurance check. Please do not cash the insurance check. If you cash the insurance check, please see our payment policies below.
You may pay with cash, personal check or credit cards. Credit cards accepted are MasterCard, Visa or Discover and you may use multiple cards. We do not accept American Express, cashier checks, or money orders.